Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Llama hedge trimmer
Llamas love eating trees and keep them trimmed to the height they can easily reach
Camelid food storage
Basil the llama’s camelid mix (llama concentrated food) safe from damp and rodents
Llama dust bowl
Llama grooming
Llamas haven’t been bred for their fleece so once it reaches a certain length the fibres stop growing. Unlike sheep and alpacas, llamas don’t need shearing. Basil the llama likes his dreadlocks but his owner does brush him while he’s eating his treat of camelid mix
Why is Basil kept separately?
Basil the llama attacked his sons the last time they shared a field. He is now kept separately for their safety
Llama Poo
Basil the Llama has specific toilet areas
The Mighty Basil
Got any book recommendations?